Community / Featured blogs

Spring cleaning for the new year

Mathba You know how spring cleaning gets you ready for spring?  Apparently, blogroll updating got me ready for 2014!  Thank you to all of our blogs who have been so patient in waiting to be added to the directory.  Our new blog listing intake form should help to expedite this process in the future.  In it we ask mostly the same info as we always have, but this one makes for way easier database management for us.

Each freshly listed blog is unique and wonderful in their own way – so please stop by to give them some VillageQ love!

  • Following my sun: Based in France (with reproductive services in Belgium), this blog addresses loss and hope simultaneously.  Sending some warm, TTCing vibes her way!
  • A Gurlz Guide: Feel Good Food For the LGBTQ Community.  This site with multiple writers brings a lot to the table!
  • Our Journey to Becoming Mommies: This blogger and her wife live right outside of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania.  Blogger “B” is 24 years old, and blogger “C” (the wife) is 30. They met  in 2010 while working at the same hospital and have been inseparable ever since! Both registered nurses, C is an ER nurse and B is a NICU nurse. In November 2012 they got married in NYC and are very excited to be expanding the family.
  • Wandering in Babyland used to be Journey of a Traditional Surrogate.  Wish her luck as she looks towards single motherhood.
  • Giggles and Hugs: Two lovely lesbians who woke up one morning and decided to adopt a child with Down Syndrome.  Okay, so it didn’t happen exactly like that, but sometimes it feels like it.  Once Jess and Crystal knew they were in this for the long haul, they knew that adoption would be their path to having a family.  Lily was 5 months old when they adopted her and she’s now comfortably at home. Lily has Down Syndrome and quite the complex medical history including multiple heart surgeries, AVSD, and PPS.  Need help with the acronyms?  Check out her about page!
  • Always my 3 boys: Just trying to make it through another day, mothering my three sons as we endure the fullterm neonatal loss of our youngest.
  • Queer Family Matters: Shamelessly queering the traditional family. We want to talk about parenting and family-making at the place where family issues meet not only sexual orientation, but also race, class, gender, and more. Ya’know, queer family matters.  Because queer families matter.
  • GingerSass: GingerSass is a compilation of random musings, fascinating events, occasional nonsensical rants, and an extra dose of miscellaneous nonsense. Here, you will find blog posts ranging from musings on the intersection of multiple identities to the orgasmic nature of cheeseballs.

Welcome, and enjoy!

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  1. What a fantastically glorious group of new blogs! Welcome you all!!

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