Family / Life / Parenting / Spirituality & religion

From Missionary to Mommy Blogger

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I’m Casey: a former born again Christian missionary turned lesbian mommy blogger. I’m way too enthusiastic. I ask a lot of questions. I like to take pictures. And ride bikes. And drink coffee. And write. Mostly write.

I came out in college after spending a few years as a born again Christian and missionary for Jesus. When I came out, I was promptly kicked out of the church. After spending the last 8 years consumed by Christianity, I just didn’t know what to do next. At 22, I suddenly had no idea who I was or what I should do. I threw myself into writing and music to try to figure it out. Growing up, I had never met another lesbian. I had no idea what it was supposed to look like. Then I found the LiveJournal community. There I found a safe space to figure out what I wanted, what I was doing, and there I started to find myself through writing. I changed my major to Creative Writing and got to work. I’ve been blogging ever since.

Even with the rejection I experienced with coming out, the hardest part for me was the fear that I may never have a family. I always wanted to be a parent. I nannied through college and loved those kids as my own for years. I cried when the oldest got on the bus for his first day of kindergarten. Mostly because I was so proud of him. And also because I knew it meant that he didn’t need me anymore.

Now I have my own family. MCB and I will soon celebrate 10 years together. Our three year old daughter, Riley (often known as Roozle) is very well documented online. As a lesbian mom, a wife, and a blogger, a big part of my motivation for writing every day is that I want to be for the world what I never saw growing up in a very straight community. I want to be that regular family with regular issues and struggles, but with two moms. I write about what to feed my kid for lunch and what kind of bike helmet she should wear. I write about how she loves the cat and the books we enjoy together. Because our little two mom family is just a regular family. With two moms. And a Roozle. And it rules.

I am totally excited to be a part of what’s going on here. The sharing of stories. Of photos. Of lives. All of this is just so good. I can’t wait to see what this all fills up to become.

Come say hi to me on the @LesbianFamily Instagram account and tag the photos of your lesbian families with #lesbianfamily so we can feature you! Because sometimes we all need to know that we’re not alone in this. Because we’re not. You’re not.

You can also find me at and on twitter. Life rules.



  1. Love your blog! Glad to see you here, as well!

  2. Yay! You’re here!

  3. The world thanks you for coming out and showing yourself and sharing your family with us.

  4. What Deborah said.

    You are SUCH a positive force in my Twitter and blogging community. I’ve been so impressed with you, how prolific you are with your own work and how supportive you are of others. It’s seldom seen anymore, and it’s a great thing.

    Your family is beautiful. I’m so happy that everything turned out so well for you, and thankful that you found the space to figure all of that stuff out, so you could just be your regular little family, with two moms. 🙂

  5. Cheers! (with a non-iced glass of wine, of course – ha)

  6. What they all said! Truly. Exuberance is contagious, in a very, very good way. We will all win this thing with love. I couldn’t believe in that more, and you are a shimmering illustration of it daily. SO GLAD YOU’RE SHARING IT HERE! All caps FTW.

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